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dose mindless behavior live in clevelandohio

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Q: Does keisha cole live in Cleveland Ohio?
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Where does Keyshia Cole and her fiancé live?

They live in Atlanta and Cleveland, OH.

The wosrt city to live in?

Cleveland, Ohio

Where does the irate gamer live?

Cleveland, Ohio

Where in Cleveland does Piriczki live?

Euclid, Ohio

Where do Lebron's children live?

Back in Cleveland Ohio

How many sports teams doe Ohio have?

If you are talking about professional sports, we have( yes i live in ohio): Cleveland,Ohio;the Cleveland Caveliers(nba) columbus,Ohio Columbus Cruise(professional soccer team..league) Cincinnati,Ohio Cincinnati bengals(nfl) Cleveland,Ohio Cleveland Browns(nfl) Cleveland,Ohio Cleveland Indains(MLB) cincinnati,Ohio Cincinnati Reds(MLB) Even though they are a college team i can't leave out our Ohio State Buckeyes basketball (10th seed in the country).

When is the next Wwe live event in Cleveland Ohio?


Where are most zoos located?

if you live in ohio,in toledo,columbus,and cleveland

Where does Jean-Baptiste Maunier live?

From what I've found out, he lives in Cleveland, Ohio.

Where did James abram Garfield live?

He lived in Ohio. His last home was a few miles east of Cleveland, in Mentor, Ohio.

How many cities in the U.s. named Cleveland?

There are 16 states have a city named Cleveland including Ohio, Kansas, and Indiana, and find the rest for yourself!

Where did Clarence Crane live?

Clarence Crane lived in Cleveland Ohio. He was a candy maker. He invented the Life Savers in 1912 in Cleveland..