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Q: Does it flood a lot in Belarus?
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Does the severn flood?

It does flood and it has flooded a lot of times.

Where do you find people who starve a lot?

Belarus in Europe

What creates a flood?

a flood happens when there is a drought then it rains a lot then it creates a floof that makes a flood

What is in a flood?

a lot of water

How is a flood and a tsunami different?

A flood is a lot of water. A tsunami is a big wave. A tsunami can cause a flood.

What are the major crops of Belarus?

I don't know, but I know that they grow a lot of potatoes.

How do you know if you need flood insurance?

If you live in an area that gets a lot of flash flood and flood warnings I would suggest getting it.

Why is the China flood of 1887 the biggest flood in China history?

becaues it killed a lot if pepole

How many people were killed in the Pakistan flood?

A lot.

Why diarrhoea ravages the people as the flood water recedes?

Because the water from the flood carries a lot of bacteria that causes diarrhoea.

What does hurricane Katrina cause?

A flood and a whole lot of wind

How much damage did the 1931 china flood cost?

A lot