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Yes as it conserves warmth and as a flock they have a better chance of protecting themselves from predators rather than individually.

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Q: Does huddling together actually help sheep?
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by huddling they sharing their body heat

How do penguins work together to make a habitat?

Penguins work together to make a habitat by forming colonies to provide warmth and protection. They huddle together in groups to conserve heat and shield themselves from harsh weather conditions. Some penguins also take turns incubating eggs or caring for chicks to ensure their survival.

What does a sheep do to help us?

Sheep provide us with wool and meat.

Would sheep help keep rain from eroding the side of a hill?

No. They do nothing to hold the soil together, as opposed to a tree's extensive root system.

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No, you should not get in trouble for helping a sheep over the fence if the sheep is in distress or stuck.

How can sheep help save the world?

Sheep could help poor families use the milk to make cheese and the wool for clothing.

What would a Irish man do if he saw a sheep stuck in a fence?

He would help free the sheep.

How do sheep ears help them live?

Listening for predators, the call of their lambs and the call of other sheep.

How do sheep help?

By providing feed, water and shelter. By vaccinating sheep against various diseases that can make the sheep sick and by drenching them for worms.

How do people help sheep?

By providing feed, water and shelter. By vaccinating sheep against various diseases that can make the sheep sick and by drenching them for worms.

What tips can you say to help get asleep?

count sheep

How do sheep help your environment?

you eat there meat inside