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France exports crude oil to the United States as well as some textiles.

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Q: Does france export oil to the united states?
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Where does greece export oil to?

Greece exports crude oil to China, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

What country does Mexico export oil to?

The United States, which receives 75-80% of total Mexican oil exports.

What countries does Canada export oil to?

It exports oil to many countries but the top are United States,China,Singapore, Malaysia, France, Japan, United Kingdom, Iraq, Angola, Algeria. imports-and-exports-2010-a357268

Where does America export oil to?

The United States is not an exporter of oil. It is the largest user of oil in the world for its size. It imports 25% of its oil from Canada

Does France export oil?

Yes, billions of dollars worth of oil is exported in France each year.

Who does Canada export oil to?

Canada and the United States share the longest unguarded border in the world. Canada is rich in crude oil and other petroleum products. Most of these are exported to the United States.

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Yes turkey does send it to the United States.....not really.

Which of these is not an export of the United States?

oil =============== A different answer... The US exported 15.7 milliion barrels of oil in March 2016, so the answer could not be "oil".

What is a sentence for the word export?

In colonial Virginia, the chief export was tobacco. The countries of the Persian Gulf export most of the world's oil. After it became a communist state, Cuba could not export goods to the United States.

Why does the United States import oil?

the united states imports oil cause the united states uses more oil than it produces

To which countries do Trinidad and tobago export oil?

they export oil to the united staes of America,Spain and Jamaica that is all i know i hope it can help you!!

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It sells substantial amounts to China and India, though U.S. allies such as Japan, Italy and France are still the major buyers. None is sold to the United States because of sanctions dating to the 1979 hostage crisis. How much to each country in terms of percent?