There is no Spanish word for Allentown Pennsylvania.
In Allentown Pennsylvania
Allentown has been hit with an EF-1 tornado. September 6, 2008. This was confirmed by the National Weather service the following day.
Allentown is a city in Pennsylvania.
The web address of the Allentown Art Museum is:
No it was California
The address of the Allentown Art Museum is: 31 N 5Th St, Allentown, PA 18101-1605
Allentown is located in eastern Pennsylvania. It is the third-largest city in the state and is situated approximately 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia.
The phone number of the Allentown Art Museum is: 610-432-4333.
The web address of the Old Allentown Preservation Association is:
The web address of the Liberty Bell Shrine-Allentown is: