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No, but they must have been a US Citizen for the past nine years.

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Congressman do not have to be born in the United States.

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Q: Does a US Senator have to be born in the United States?
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How long must a US Senator have been a citizen of the US before being eligible for that office?

According to the US Constitution, a person must be a citizen of the United States for at least nine years before being eligible to serve as a US Senator.

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No foreigner may be President of the United States. It is specifically mandated that the President of the United States be born in the United States, or to a United States Citizen. The president must also have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. She may not be a U.S Senator until she has lived in the United States (and the state she wishes to represent) for at least 9 years. Nor, may she be a Representative, as they require a 7 year citizenship.

When did 6 year US senator terms begin?

Ammendment 17 in 1913 of the United States Constitution.

What article pertains to qualifications for becoming us senator?

Article I, Section 3 of the United States Constitution

No person can be a US senator unless they have reached what age?

A senator has to be at least 30 years of age and a citizen of the United States for 9 years. A senator also can not inhabit the state for which he was chosen.

From a different country but was born in United States . am i a United States citizen?

Yes, anyone born in the United States is automatically a US citizen.

Number a years a senator must have been a citizen?

A senator can serve in the United States Senate for six years. The Senator must have been a citizen of the US for at least seven years.

What was JFK before becoming president?

He was senator from Massachusetts.He was a US Senator before becoming president. Before that he was a Congressman.

What country do you have to be born in to be the president of US?

you have to be born in the United States of America, be born on a United states AIR FORCE BASE or a country that is under United States rule.