not really sure on weither or not they hibernate or migrate (Paupa New Guinea singing dog)
Papua New Guinea/ New Guinea's official name is Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
no, papua new guinea is a country !
Papua New Guinea and the Indonesian province of West Papua occupy the island of New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea is the only country in Papua New Guinea. It occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea.
Papua, not to be confused with Papua New Guinea, takes up most of the western half of the island of New Guinea, while Papua New Guinea takes up the eastern half. It is a province of Indonesia.
There are no tigers in Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea is a country on the island of New Guinea.
No, Papua New Guinea is mountainous and some is rainforests.
Papua New Guinean is the proper adjective for Papua New Guinea.
The country Indonesia (Indonesian province of West Papua), is west of Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea does not have technology dum-dum
papua new guinea does not have technology dum-dum