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If the question refers to the "mature minor" doctrine in Health Law, the short answer, as of 2011, is "No." There is a good Google Knol written specifically on this subject entitled "Incompetent. The Continuing Battle For Recognition of "Mature Minors" in Healthcare Decisionmaking" -- look it up for more information.

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Q: Does Texas recognize the mature minor standard?
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What is the minor age in Texas?

18...because after 18 your are mature and can have SEX, pick your nose without asking parents, eat fish, and juggle. What is it with having SEX? Having SEX has NOTHING to do with being mature.

Is 17 considered a minor in Texas?

17 is legal in Texas if your're 55. The age of consent in Texas is 17

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For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.

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For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.

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If the wedding was legally performed with a legal license, Florida will recognize the marriage as legitimate.

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In Alabama, the legal age of majority is 19. However, the courts generally recognize a minor's ability to choose where they live if they are deemed mature enough to make that decision. This would depend on the circumstances of the situation and the minor's ability to care for themselves.

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No, only as a minor.

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B Standard , the song is in b minor key But u can also play it in E standard tuning , the key will change into e minor

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No, you can contribute to a minor to support whatever charity that minor might be collecting for. If you contribute to that minor's DELINQUENCY, though, you could be charged with a felony depending on how you were arraigned.

Can a 17 year old move out without parental consent in texas?

No. As long as you are under 18 you are a minor in Texas.

What is the age of consent in Texaswhat does this mean?

if I'm reading your question correctly, "what is the age of consent in Texas" means "at what age can a minor have sexual relations w/ another person (whither a minor or not is indifferent to the question, but important" and the secondary phrase "in Texas" is respecting Texas state law, as the law is different in each state. if I'm reading your question correctly, "what is the age of consent in Texas" means "at what age can a minor have sexual relations w/ another person (whither a minor or not is indifferent to the question, but important" and the secondary phrase "in Texas" is respecting Texas state law, as the law is different in each state.

Is minor in possession in Texas a misdemeanor?

Yes, it is a Class C Misdemeanor.