

Best Answer

Yes. The Demographics of Singapore are as follows:

Chinese 74.1

Malays 13.4

Indians 9.2

Others 3.3

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Q: Does Singapore have a predominantly Chinese population?
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Does Singapore have a predominate Chinese population?


What Nationality is Singapore?

Singapore is a multiracial and multicultural country with Chinese being making up the majority of the population. If you're born in Singapore you are considered Singaporean.

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SINGAPORE IS NOT IN CHINA.It merely has a large population of chinese, with ancestors that migrated from china years ago. Singapore is found below peninsular malaysia.

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Chinese make up the majority of the population in the countries of China, Taiwan and Singapore.

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There are four countries where Chinese is spoken primarily: China (Beijing), Taiwan (Taipei), Singapore (Singapore), and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur).

What ethnic group makes up the majority of Singapore's population?

Singapore is a multicultural society which mainly consist of 4 ethnic groups. Chinese make up the majority of the population, followed by India and Malay. Besides the 3 main ethnic groups, there are also Eurasian. With the increasingly connected world nowadays, there are more and more people from different countries and races choosing Singapore to settle in and this make the country more diverse in terms the ethnic groups.

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Singapore Chinese Orchestra was created in 1996.

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The population of Singapore is ethnically diverse and consists principally of Chinese (about 76 per cent), Malays (15 per cent), and Indians (7 per cent) the malays current population is only about 500,000, compared to the chinese, which is about 2.7 million in singapore.

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Myanmar is the country where Burmese is predominantly spoken. It is the official language of Myanmar and is spoken by the majority of the population.

When was Singapore Chinese Girls' School created?

Singapore Chinese Girls' School was created in 1899.

What is the Chinese food dish Singapore noodles?

Singapore noodles does not exist in Singapore