The main language historically spoken in Santa Fe, New Mexico is Spanish, due to its history as a Spanish colonial city. However, English is now also widely spoken in Santa Fe.
Yes. Santa can speak all languages.
Could you speak english please?
Most Scottish people speak English and would call him Father Christmas, or perhaps Santa Claus. (The American usage is spreading.)The Gaelic would be 'Bodach na Nollaig(e)' or 'Santa'.santa you idiot
"He does not", or, "he doesn't speak English" would be correct. It would never be 'he do not speak English,' as that is incorrect grammar.
Santa Cruz translates to "Holy Cross" in English.
Father Christmas
yes, some of them speak english.
yes they did speak English
I will speak in english better
"I can't speak English!" in English is Non parlo l'inglese! ("I don't speak English!") in Italian.