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Palestine. At this point in history, there are only two parties that claim the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Since Hamas is not recognized as an independent government by any country, it retains exclusively de facto control of the area. Meanwhile the Palestinian Authority retains de jurecontrol pursuant to the Oslo Accords of 1993 which transferred the land from Israeli occupation to the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority.

Almost all Israelis agree that the Gaza Strip does not belong to Israel.

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11y ago
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11y ago

No. The Gaza Strip was never part of Israeli civilian authority. It was a Palestinian Territory under Egyptian ocupation from 1949-1967 and it was a Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation from 1967-2005. In 1993, most of the Gaza Strip was given to the Palestinian Authority to found and new state and in 2005, Israel withdrew all military forces from Gaza. Since then, Gaza has become politically independent as a Palestinian quasi-state under Israeli blockade.

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9y ago

If you're referring to the entire area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, you're about seventy years out of date. It's Israel, not Palestine.If, however, you're speaking about the Palestinian areas specifically, some of the land has in any case been ceded by the Israelis to the Palestinians, in whole or in part. In general, that is a matter for negotiation.

As to the principle itself, it may be noted that:

(click below to see links)

  1. God promised the land to the Israelites many times.
  2. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israelfor over 3300 years. Of that time, the Jews were a majority in the land for around 1900 years.
  3. The Muslims' Qur'an clearly states that Israel belongs to the Jews.
  4. Israel is more than willing to get along with the Palestinians and to come to some negotiated arrangement. However, it must be realistic since its citizens are under constant threat and attack. Areas which have been handed over to Palestinians, have been used to stage these attacks.
  5. Israel is more concerned for the citizens of those who attack it, than are the attackers themselves. While far from perfect, its treatment of civilians is better than that of any other country in the region.
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9y ago

-- The word "or" renders the question severely loaded at worst, and virtually meaningless at best.

-- If you were to clarify what you mean by 'Palestine', you would be describing a big place.
A single answer would not necessarily apply to all of it. The question is a lot like asking
"Does North America belong to the Mexicans or the Canadians ?"

-- In order to clarify what you mean by 'Palestine', you would very likely need to assume
an answer to your own question.

-- And where would Jewish Arabs fit into the question ?

-- The answer to the question is "yes".

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11y ago
A:Under international law, the West Bank belongs to the Palestinian people.
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Q: Does Palestine belong to the Arabs or the Jews?
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