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yes i would like to need tourist visa for Brazil kindly what will be process for individual visa

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Related questions

Why is Brazil so popular?

it has many tourist spots

Who is the national bird of Brazil?

The Sabià (or the Thrush) is the national bird of Brazil.

Who is a domestic tourist and an international tourist?

a domestic tourist is a tourist who travel within his/her own country, local and an international tourist is a tourist from other countries maybe from overseas e.g a tourist travelling from Brazil to south Africa he is called an international tourist.

Where can someone watch a tourist video about Brazil?

You can watch a tourist video about Brazil online at the YouTube website. Once on the page, type "Brazil Tourism" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

Get a tourist visa to Brazil an Indian passport?

i m have indian pasport i want visit visa for brazil

What are some tourist attractions in brazil?

Rio de Janeiro

What is the national monument of Brazil?

Yes Brazil has national parks or monuments...

When was National Library of Brazil created?

National Library of Brazil was created in 1810.

When was National Museum of Brazil created?

National Museum of Brazil was created in 1818.

What is the national game of Brazil?

The national game of Brazil would be soccer, or football.

What is the name of Brazil's National Costume?


What is the national music of Brazil?

The guitar, berimbau and pandeiro are the national Musical Instruments of Brazil.