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No, not based on that passage (Genesis 15:18), nor should the State of Israel be so large.

The passage describes Israel's borders as encompassing all of the Sinai Peninsula up to the east bank of the Nile River (including a large section of the modern Egyptian population. By extending the western border to the Euphrates, you swallow the entire nations of Jordan and Lebanon and over half of Syria. Avocation for the view that Israel should be so massive is usually classified under the "Greater Israel" theory and few people advocate for it because such a physically large state would make the Arab population far in excess (over 3x) the Jewish population and make Israel into an Arab State. However, a number of anti-Israel sympathizers like to point to the few individuals who do hold this view to "prove" that Israel has an intent to conquer these independent states, even though no Israeli government, leadership, or ministry has ever made such a statement or affirmation.

Genesis 15:18: In that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates

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Q: Does Modern Day Israel possess all of the Promised Land of Genesis 15?
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If you mean the Promised Land, it is modern day Israel

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The Jewish promised land is the land of Israel. It is called promised because it was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to their decendents as recorded in various locations in the Bible such as Genesis 17:8, 21:4, 26:13, and 32:12. Also, see Joshua 1:6.

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Christianity originated in Judea, which is in modern day Israel.

What would the map of modern Israel look like if it included ALL the land promised by God in the Bible?

In a map of all the land promised by God, there would be no modern Israel at all. The reality is that God never actually promised any land to the Israelites. The Bible talks of the lands that the Jews wanted to belong to them and which they therefore claimed that God had promised them, but these accounts were written by humans. In fact, the Book of Joshua was written as late as the seventh century BCE, almost seven hundred years after the legendary Joshua supposedly parcelled out the land.For much of their history, the combined lands of Israel and Judah were not much larger than the modern Palestinian territory of the West Bank, which Israel actually refers to as 'Samaria [Israel] and Judah'.Answer 2It would look like it does now, with the land extending further south, north (into southern Lebanon) and east. See Genesis 15, Numbers 34, Deuteronomy 11:24 and 19:8-9.

Why is Israel so small if the Promised Land is big?

Israel became a smaller geographical entity due to various historical factors such as wars, conquests, and treaties. The boundaries of modern-day Israel do not encompass the entire extent of the Promised Land mentioned in religious texts.

Where is the Jewish homeland of Israel located?

Israel today is in the area of the original Promised Land. However, the actual Promised Land is supposedly a little bigger than the modern country.

What is the biblical definition of Israel?

The person: Jacob and the children of Jacob (see Genesis ch.35). The land: The land of Israel was where modern Israel exists today (Joshua 11:16,21; Judges 19:29; 1 Samuel 11:3, 13:1,9).

Where did Israel's original settlers come from?

According to the account in Genesis, the earliest ancestors of a population still identifiable in modern times, who migrated from elsewhere to what is now Israel, were Abraham and his family, who migrated from "Ur Kasdim" or "Ur of the Chaldees", thought to be perhaps identified with the city of Ur in modern Iraq.

How many acres are promised in Genesis 15 verses 18-21 of the Bible?

Ther was no specific amount of acreage promised to Abram (Abraham) by God, but it was enough to have found a country. This covenant was for the land between the Nile river in Africa and the Euphrates river in what is now modern day Iraq.

What are the differences between old Israel and modern Israel?

Israel became a lot more modern and city like.

How is Israel connected to Modern Israel?

They are in the same rough physical area and the descendants of Ancient Israel live in Modern Israel, returned after centuries of Exile.