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Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordoba has stated that Mexico has 1 million doses of the drug Tamiflu and they will be distributed only by doctors and strictly controlled.

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Q: Does Mexico have a supply of Tamiflu to be used to treat the swine flu outbreak?
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Is Mexico to blame for the swine flu outbreak?

No. Viruses have to start somewhere it just happened to be in Mexico. In more developed countries these things get noticed more quickly though.

Is a passport required for resident aliens from Mexico?

yes they must have passports due to the outbreak of swine flu

What are the tablets called that you take to prevent swine flu?

Tamiflu or you could get a vaccine

What is the H1N1 vaccine supply and demand?

North Carolina was said to have found the swine flu first but, the first person to die from the swine flu was in New Mexico

Is the Swine Flu the same as the tami flu?

Swine flu is a flu very similar to the regular flu. Tamiflu is a medicine that you take when you have swine flu or other types of influenza.

What do you do after you are diagnosed with Swine Flu?

take tamiflu for 5 days then you should feel fine

Is there a trement for the Swine Flu?

They have created a drug called tamiflu which helps treat swineflu.

How are the government spending there money to cure swine flu?

By stockpiling up lots and lots of Tamiflu

Is it viral or bacterial pneumonia associated with Swine Flu?

Swine flu is, like all strains of influenza and the common cold, viral. The main treatment for swine flu is the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

What are effects of the swine flu scare throughout the world?

Some airlines will go bankrupt particularly the ones flying to Mexico and south of USA, the demand for tamiflu will sky rocket, food exports from Mexico and USA will dramatically decrease, the US dollar will drop.

What is the name of the microbes that cause swine flu?

The initial outbreak was called the "H1N1 influenza", or "Swine Flu"