How do you grow spinach? You put it in dirt and watch it grow. o.O Or you buy it out of a can. :l
The pumpkin! some vegetables that grow on the ground are: potatoes,swiss chard,green beans,spinach,onions,beetroot,carrot,cress,lettuce,and radishes
A vegetable known as Chard, Swiss Chard,Silverbeet, Perpetual Spinach, Spinach Beet, Crab Beet, Seakale Beet and Mangold.
One of them is Shoku, beef and spinach stew.
Crops that are grown in March include beetroot, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, onions, peas, spinach and tomatoes.
Carrots, tomatoes, kales, cauliflower, capsicum, coriander, spinach, onions, beetroot, cucumber...etc
Of course not!!!!!!!! Spinach helps you grow! All caffiene does is not let you sleep!!!!
soy, beetroot, black olives, spinach, celery, tomatoes, & goji berries. These contain the most collagen, especially the soy.
Of course! All vegetables and fruits have seeds and can be grown.