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Q: Does Austria mean eastern kingdom
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What kingdom did Austria Prussia and Russia divide?

the kingdom of Pomerania

Its 8 pm us eastern time what time is it in Vienna Austria?

It is 2 am in Vienna, Austria. Austria is 6 hours ahead of US Eastern Time.

What is the meaning of the word Austria?

Eastern Empire

Is Austria in the eastern hemisphere?

Austria is located in both the eastern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere. The center coordinates of Austria are 47 degrees 19' 48" N, 13 degrees 19' 48" E.

What hemisphere is Austria in?

The North and Eastern Hemispheres. The nation of Hungary is located in central Europe. That places it in the northern and eastern hemisphere. Croatia, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, and Ukraine border Hungary. Northern

What is the kingdom of eastern cottontail?

It's in the kingdom Animalia.

What 5 conturies are in Europe?

Im sorry, but do you mean countries? Well to name a few there is: United Kingdom (United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) France (French Republic) Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) Austria (Republic of Austria) Italy (Italian Republic) Spain (Kingdom of Spain) Poland (Republic of Poland) Sweden (Kingdom of Sweden) *There are 50 countries in Europe

Who made up the big four at the Congress of Vienna?

The Big Four were Austria, Prussia, Russia and the United Kingdom.

Who fought on the Eastern Front and what was it like?

Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany fought on the Eastern Front

When did the Romans invade parts of Austria?

The Romans annexed Pannonia (eastern Austria, western Hungary, western Slovakia northwestern Croatia, northern Serbia and northern Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 9 AD, Rhaetia (eastern and central Switzerland, eastern Austria and part of southern Germany) in 15 BC, and Noricum (which included most of Austria and part of Slovenia) in 16 BC.

What two present day countries developed from Charlemagne's kingdom?

There are more than just 2 countries that Charlemagne's kingdom developed from. That are: France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, half of Italy, half of Germany, part of Austria, and the Spanish border.

What was a political result of the collapse of the Roman Empire?

The political results of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (the eastern part of this empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years) was that the land of this empire was carved up by the Germanic invaders and by former Germanic allies of the Romans. The Vandals and Alans formed the kingdom of the Vandals in northern Tunisia and Eastern Algeria. The Visigoths formed their kingdom in Spain and Portugal. The Sueves formed their kingdom in north-western Spain. The Burgundians formed their kingdom in eastern France. The Franks expanded their kingdom into northern and central France. The Alemanni took over north-eastern France (Alsace and Lorraine) Switzerland and Austria. The Visigoths took over Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Eventually the Franks took over the whole of France and the lands of the Alemanni.