First, I assume the question is really..."Do you salute the American flag while you are wearing a bicycle helmet?" If the helmet is part of a uniform, you salute. If it's not, you take the helmet off and hold it over your heart. Second, if the question is..."Do you salute a bicycle helmet with an American flag on it?" then the answer is no.
12 feet
It is just a way to show respect for a country :)
on December
If you are "American" what difference does your religion matter. I would say yes.
If the Standard flag is hoisted high outside Buckhingham Palace it means that the Queen is in the residence.
The Australian flag was not hoisted by Captain Cook. There was no country known as Australia then, and at this stage, Cook was a Lieutenant. Cook hoisted the British flag to show he was claiming the eastern half of the continent for the British Empire. He then returned to England.
It's the Saudia Arabia Flag.
Yes. You always salute. I was always taught to salute even if there was no flag. I would just in case tho.
port stanley at the falklands
We salute the flag because it shows loyalty and it shows the love for our country.