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Q: Do you have to pay to go to school in New Netherland?
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Do you have to pay to go to school in New Netherland in the 1600?


Why was Peter Styuvesent sent to New Netherland?

He was an explorer and volunteered to go.

How did Dutch leader attract more colonists to New Netherland?

dutch leaders had to get more colonists so they tried to get more leaders to get colonists to go to new netherland

Why did settlers go to New Netherlands?

Because the Netherland had good farming soil.

Can mom go to school?

Anyone can go to school if they pay for the classes.

Do you have to pay to go to school in Spain?

You don't have to pay to attend public school in Spain.

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After two days go to Poland?

No, after two days go to the Netherland

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The netherland is where sims go after they die. However, they come back every night and return in the morning.

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It depends on if you have a scholarship to go there!

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