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I worked in NY for 6 months. I live in New Jersey. I was told by NJ Unemployment when I tried to claim benefits that I would have to claim my unemployment benefits in the State of NY.

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Q: Do you file for unemployment insurance in NJ or ny if you live in NJ but had worked in nyc for the past 18 months?
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You file for unemployment from the "liable state" which collects the unemployment insurance from the employer you worked for. In this case, the "liable state" is New York. You can file in Pennsylvania, as the "agent state", but it is New York that Pennsylvania would contact in your behalf.

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Have you worked? If not, no. You have to work before you file for it.

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You can file an unemployment claim if you only worked part-time only if you meet the job-searching requirements of your area.

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If you live in MS but worked in TN, you will file your claim for unemployment insurance against the state where your wages were reported. Contact your Human Resources or Payroll department. They should be able to tell you if the employer paid unemployment taxes to MS on your behalf or only to TN. TN takes unemployment claims by telephone or over the Internet, from out of state residents.

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Unless there were extremely unusual issues in your separation, no. You can file on employers you worked for in the previous 15 months in most jurisdictions.

Do you have to file for a extension in California for unemployment?

You can file an unemployment insurance claim via the California State government website. Information centers will be able to provide other resources such as whether you are eligible for unemployment insurance. They also have a toll free number that you can call for help

Can you still file for unemployment if you did not file your taxes this year?

yes. Unemployment Insurance is filed with your state, when you become unemployed. Taxes are filed based on calendar years.

If you have worked for a company for five months and then laid off are you eligible for unemployment?

This would depend on the state you worked in. Generally they require a base period of a year, but may make provisions for someone working for shorter periods. You need to contact your unemployment office in your state for specific information, or file a claim and find out that way.

What state do you file an unemployment claim if you live in Massachusetts but worked in Rhode Island?

You would file in Rhode Island, the "liable state", because it is the one who collected unemployment taxes from your employer.

Where do you file for unemployment when you live in Delaware and work in Maryland?

Either state, MD would send info to D.C. and D.C. has the liability and would pay the benefit.