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They weren't superheroes. They were deified concepts. They didn't have set strengths or weaknesses; only domains over which they had influence.

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Q: Do the 9 muses in Greek mythology have a strength?
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Are the Muses of Greek Mythology all female?

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Who are the muses of greek mythology?

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I don't think there is a reason why are there "three" fates or seasons or graces. The tradition says that there are 3 fates and that is all. After all, there were 9 muses and 12 olympian gods with no specific reason. Except that all are multiples of 3.

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Archons are not from greek mythology. It is a title given to a wealthy person who participated in the early government of Greece.

What are examples of Muses today?

The muses where 9 minor greek goddesses who were all about the performing arts. So some of todays famous singers, dancers,actresses, and writers would be like the muses. People like beyonce, J.K.Rowling, Ann Hathaway, and Sabrina Bryan would be like todays muses. Maybe even Ellen Degeneres!(there was a muse for comedy, Thalia)