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Q: Do seagulls in japan sound like seagulls in England?
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Do seagulls in England sound like seagulls in japan?

No. There are 45 species of gulls found across the world, and those in Japan may be of a different species. There is not one species known as "seagull".

What sound do seagulls sound like?

SQUEEEEEEeeeeeee! WAWK WAWK WAWK! also, they make a little rattling noise with their beak sometimes

Do Japan and man rhyme?

They sound like they do to me.

Why are there seagulls in the Walmart parkinglot?

Seagulls like cheap food

Do seagulls have lips?

No, seagulls, like all other birds, have beaks, and therefore do not have "lips".

How is the US and japan government a like?

USA is a democracy and Japan is a Democratic Monarchy much like England were they have an emporer but his imfluence on politics is relitively minor.

When will the Wii 2 come out in England?

there isn't a japan release date so nobady will know yet for England you guys would be like 4th to get it after japan usa gemany

What sound does a sea gull make?

Gulls (not "seagulls") have a buoyant, nearly soundless flight. The noise of the wings at close range is barely audible to human ears.

What was life in England in1978?

Like life in the USA in the 1950's, or like life in Japan right now.

What are seagulls enemies?

Magical sea mermaids who like to swim up and make the seagulls eat the yellow puss that comes out of their buttholes.

Does Antarctica have seagulls?

No, but you can find gull-like animals there, such as Skuas.

What do seagulls like to eat best?

chips and stuff lol.