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Rhode Island Red chickens have a reddish brown color, and are normally thin.... says the last person to answer this question ...

but i have 20 rhode island red hens and 2 roosters that we raised from a day old and they have never been thin not one day in their life they are huge chickens tall and fat. They are rust red with black markings along the wings(the markings vary per chicken and so does the shade of red ) My roosters are a very dark brownish red where some of my hens are a brighter red. when they are babies they are fuzzy and bright orange.

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11y ago

Not usually, unless they are too heavy to fly up to the roost.

Most chickens that stay on the ground at night are either too heavy or sick to seek a safe perch/roost above the floor of the coop.

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11y ago

All chickens can fly, not far and not high but unless they have had their wings clipped they can attain some lift and distance when needed. This is the way chickens escape predators and reach their evening roost.

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10y ago

Rhode Island Red chickens fly a little. They tend to hop up to get a start and flap their wings. As they get larger in size their flying ability is reduced.

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12y ago


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You can get a Rhode Island Red hen from a farmer who raises chickens. You can also order them on line.

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Rhode Island Red chickens can be kept with other docile breeds such as Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, and Australorps. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or flighty breeds. It's important to introduce new chickens to the flock slowly to minimize stress and aggression.

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How does the Rhode Island red defend itself?

The same way other chickens do - by pecking, scratching, and kicking.

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A well cared for Rhode Island Red chicken will live between 4 and 8 years. There have been some chickens known to survive a decade or longer.

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The state bird of Rhode Island is the "Rhode Island Red" (a type of chicken).

What is Rhode Island RI's state bird?

The Rhode Island Red

What is Rhode Island's state mascot?

Rhode Island does not have an official state mascot.

What kind of products are Rhode Island red chickens used for?

The Rhode Island Red is a duel purpose bird. A good reliable egg producer with reasonably good meat production prior to or just after prime egg laying years.