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if you fall behind on payments the people you bought the car from will get it or call someone to get it, itmight be a state the but here in Wichita the sellers get it

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Q: Do repo men look for a car all over the state you mean is only one repo company in your city notified of the repossession or are multiple companies in non adjacent towns notified as well?
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Must i be notified in writing of a repossession in pa?

no they do not have to notify you if they plan to repo your car

Does the co signer of a loan have to be notified through a certified letter before default and repossession occurs?

NO, co-signor is only notified when its time to pay the loan.

How should you be contacted if the car you cosigned on is being sold?

In a few states both the primary borrower and the cosigner must be notified by the lender through a "Right To Cure" notice before repossession action can occur. In Wisconsin a replevin order is necessary before a repossession can take place, but the cosigner is not always notified. In the majority of states the lender does not need to give either the primary or the cosigner notice of repossession action.

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The DMV submits it to the insurance company.

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No, an insurance company does not get notified of a parking tickets. Insurance companies are only liable for handling accidents.

If you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy does that automatically stop a repossession?

YES, its called an AUTOMATIC STAY. ALL collection efforts must stop as soon as they are notified of your filing.

What legal rights does a person have in a Car repossession in Indiana?

From personal experience, you do not have to be notified, but you do have to legally be notified of intent to sell vehicle, it has to be sold for a reasonable amount and they cannot enter a garage to repo. It's best to google repo in Indiana in order to obtain accurate information.

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The only way they are notified is by the beneficiary filing a claim with a certified death certificate and claim forms. They have no secret power to know if someone dies.

Do Pennsylvania repossession agents have to notify you that they have your vehicle?

Those who have had a vehicle must be notified, typically within 24 hours, but that may be done by the repossesion company, the actual agents, or the original lender. All are acceptable.

What insurance do you need to be a repossession agent?

Well you will never get any work if you are not insured, at least do not hold out for ford triad or anybody else , you might get title loan company's but almost all of them require their recovery agents to be insured. but there are no licensing requirements. police departments must be notified after the repossession and some require to notify them before hand

Does a repossession agent need to be insured in the state of Connecticut?

Well you will never get any work if you are not insured, atleast do not hold out for ford triad or anybody else , you might get title loan company's but almost all of them require there recovery agents to be insured. but there are no licensing requirments. police departments must be notified after the repossession and some require to notify them before hand

Can a creditor get a warrant for vehicle repossession?

The creditor can obtain a replevin order from the court if it becomes necessary. Wisconsin is the only state which requires a replevin order to be in place before a vehicle can be recovered. All other states allow repossession under the UCC laws, although some do require the borrower to be notified and given a specified time to bring the account current before the vehicle can be seized..