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Not necessarily. Most law enforcement officers wear uniforms when working, but detectives, some administrators, and other plainclothes personnel work in street clothes.

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Q: Do police officers have to wear uniforms?
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Yes they wear military uniforms and are members of the military.

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What do military police officers wear?

Military police officers wear military uniforms.Added: Displayed on the military uniforms of their particular branch of service are badges, similar to civilian police badges, and/or they wear armbands or, sometimes, distinctive hats or helmets, and/or white pistol belts, so that they stand out from the usual military uniform. And, unlike other member of the military outside of a war zone, they are always armed with a sidearm

Do police officers have to buy their uniform?

No. Detectives are normally assigned to investigations and a wearing uniform is often not helpful. However, like any police officer, they have ceremonial uniforms, worn on parades and at high-profile formal events.

Do police officers wear helmets?


What do types of uniforms do police wear at juvenile detention centers?

Much too varied to even try to describe here. All jurisdictions prescribe different forms, types, designs, and colors of the uniforms they issue to corrections officers.

Do police officers wear diapers?

Some of them do and some not.

Can prior service members of the military who become police officers wear military ribbonsmedals on their law enforcement uniforms?

not to our knowledge, the police and military service are to completely separate branches of government, ie. national defense and local police I have seen military ribbons worn on local police uniforms. that would be authorized by that police unit commander or head of that governing would be the exception rather then the rule......................

What do cops wear?

Police uniforms if they are in the uniformed branch or normal cloths if they are not.

How do the police uniforms in England differ from police uniforms in America?

Because we both have different styles of policing. The American police uniform is designed to be able to carry a sidearm on their utility belt whereas the British police aren't. It also goes back years ago to what the first police uniforms where like for British or American officers. Britain had a tunic and the signature high helmet with metal logo on it and we still have that today here, whereas police in the US usually wear a "garrison" hat or, in some cases, a 10-gallon hat.

Why do K9 police officers wear different pants then other police officers?

they usually wear BDUs or tactical gear, those pants offer more storage for gear

How did the police get the nickname boys in blue?

Um...because they wear blue uniforms.