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Yes. Nunavut is a Canadian Territory situated just outside of and in the Arctic circle, and is one of the places where polar bears can be found in their natural habitat.

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Q: Do polar bears live in Nunavut Canada?
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Where do 50 percent of polar bears live?

Nunavut, Canada

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Eskimos live in Nunavut, Canada and Greenland and polar bears live in the north pole.

Do polar bears live in Churchill Manitoba?

Yes, there are many polar bears in the northern reaches of Canada.Yes, polar bears live in Canada. They also live in USA (Alaska), Russia, Greenland, and Norway. There are no polar bears in Antarctica.

Where do 50 percent of all polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic. Antarctica has very harsh weather conditions that the animals have to deal with and most of the animals that are in the region are seasonal visitors.

How many bear species in Canada?

Brown bears, black bears ,Grizzly bearsActually, grizzly bears are brown bears (brown bears is the species name, and it includes Kodiak, Russian Brown Bears and Grizzlies among others). Also, there are Polar Bears in Canada as well. So the answer is Brown (Grizzly and Kodiak), Black, and Polar bears.brown grizzly and kodiak bears,black,and polar bears live in Canada

Where can you find a map of where polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic region which is above Canada

Do polar bears live all over the world?

No polar bears don't live all over the world. Polar bears live in North Pole, South Pole, The Artic, really small islands, and Canada.

Why are polar bears kept in captivity?

ther are some polar bears in zoos, but the majority live in the north of /Canada and Russia

Are polar bears found in the Arctic or the Antarctic or both?

Polar bears live in the Arctic. There is no food chain to support animals in Antarctica.Polar bears live in the arctic and penguins live in the antarctic

Is the polar bear from Canada?

Polar bears live in the Arctic regions, regardless of which nation claims the geography.

What type of polar bears live in Canada?

The same kind of polar bears' you'd find elsewhere in the world, like in Russia or Greenland or Alaska.

Where do you get polar bears?

Polar bears live in the Arctic, including Canada and Svalbard (a group of islands north of Scandinavia), Denmark, Norway, USSR/Russia, and the US.