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Places in the world where indigenous people live tend to have high biodiversity.

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Q: Do places in the world where indigenous people live tend to have high biodiversity?
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Where do only 50000 people speak the indigenous language?

Answer 1: Canada has a huge selection of indigenous languages that are spoken nowhere else, and only about 50000 to 60000 people know them or are learning them through study or being raised with that as their primal language. Answer 2: I assume you mean Indigenous in a sort of uncivilised, tribal way. you say only 50000 people speak the indigenous language, but saying where in your question doesn't make complete sense, you could say why if 50000 was the estimated figure of people speaking the indigenous language. to answer your question, there aren't only 50000 people in one part of the world speaking the indigenous language, there are people all over there world.

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The three places discussed in "The Marginal World" by Rachel Carson are the shore, the sea, and the marsh. Carson emphasizes the interconnectedness and importance of these marginal ecosystems in sustaining life and biodiversity.

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Center for World Indigenous Studies was created in 1979.

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Which statement correctly matches the characteristics of the neexploration in the new world?

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When was World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network created?

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