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Only the indigenous Australians would have hunted the Tasmanian devil for eating.

These creatures were hunted by farmers and settlers prior to the mid 20th century, as they were believed (erroneously) to be a threat to livestock.

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Q: Do people hunt Tasmanian devils for eating?
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When do Tasmanian devils hunt?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, hunting and feeding at night time.

What do Tasmanian Devils do at night?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, so night time is when they hunt and scavenge for food.

Would a Tasmanian devil eat a badger?

Given that there are no badgers in Australia, the answer is "no". Badgers are also larger than Tasmanian devils, so if they did occupy he same country, there is a good chance a Tasmanian devil would avoid badgers. They would not, however, be averse to eating a dead badger, as Tasmanian devils feed on carrion, as well as hunt live prey.

Do Tasmanian devils come out at night?

Yes. At night is when Tasmanian devils are most active. They are nocturnal, and so they hunt and scavenge for food at night, rather than during the day.

Why do Tasmanian devils scavenge?

Tasmanian devils both hunt and scavenge. Why they scavenge when they are effervescent utters as well is not known, but what is known is that, by cleaning up the environment of carrion (dead animals), the Tasmanian devil performs a very useful function.

Are Tasmanian devils being over hunted?

Tasmanian devils were over-hunted in the past, almost to the point of extinction. They are now protected by law, and it is therefore illegal to hunt them or harm them in any way.

When does a Tasmanian devil eat?

The Tasmanian devil is both a hunter and a scavenger. A nocturnal creature, it is equipped with both an acute sense of smell and keen night vision in order to detect carrion and prey. As a term it has incredibly strong jaws that can easily crush and kill.

What hunt Tasmanian devils?

The Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, and nothing hunts the adult creatures. Tasmanian devil joeys may be hunted by introduced creatures such as foxes and domestic dogs. Birds of Prey such as falcons and goshawks may also take young devils.

Are Tasmanian devils noctunal or diurnal?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal. Their black coast with white chest markings give them unique camouflage for night time. They hunt and feed at night, and shelter in caves, hollow logs or under bushes during the day.

The Tasmanian devil is a scavenger - what does that mean?

Tasmanian Devils are carnivorous marsupials. They are both hunters and scavengers. What this means is that, although they do hunt live creatures, they will scavenge carrion, eating animals which are already dead. They perform a very useful function by cleaning up the environment of dead and decaying animals, especially road kill.

Can a Tasmanian devil kill a platypus?

Yes. Tasmanian devils are both predators and scavengers. Among other things, they hunt mammals up to the size of a wallaby. As the platypus is quite a small mammal, it could certainly be killed and eaten by a Tasmanian devil.

Why are the Tasmanian devils black and white?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, carnivorous marsupials, and are thus predators, as well as scavengers. Being nocturnal, they hunt and scavenge at night. Their black and white colouring means they can hide more easily amid the undergrowth of bushland in their habitat, keeping hidden from potential prey.