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Q: Do most Indonesians live in rural or urban areas?
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Do people of Colombia live in rural or urban areas?

they live in rural & urban life.

Is Venezuela urban or rural?

Venezuela has both urban and rural areas, but it is predominantly urban. About 1 million people live in rural areas in Venezuela.

Do most Africans live in rural or urban areas?

The majority of Africans currently live in rural areas, but urbanization is increasing rapidly. By 2050, it is projected that more Africans will live in urban areas than in rural areas.

What percentage of the people live in urban and rural areas in Venezuela?

Urban areas

Do most people live in urban or rural areas in Germany?

Urban areas

Do more people live in urban areas or rural areas in Florida?

more in urban

Why do coyotes live in rural areas?

Because coyotes live everywhere-- both in urban centers and rural areas.

What time period did more Americans live in urban areas rather than rural?

Today more people live in urban areas rather than in rural areas

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What percent of people live in urban or rural area in UK?

As of 2020, approximately 82% of people in the UK live in urban areas, while the remaining 18% live in rural areas.

Do the Majority of the French live in Urban or Rural Areas?

The majority of the population live in Paris, this means that the majority live in urban areas.

Do more citizens live in an urban area or a rural area?

More citizens live in urban areas than in rural areas. Urban areas are typically characterized by higher population densities, larger infrastructure, and more economic opportunities, leading to a larger concentration of residents compared to rural areas.