Rafael Llamas died on August 8, 1980, in Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico of killed.
llamas live in South America
llamas live for about 20 years when they are farmed, but 30 years when they are in the wild.
yes, llamas, being part of the Camelid family, live in the Andes Mountains of South America.
Of course they do not live in Brazil. They live in dry places.
Llamas are mammals and give live birth, just as humans do. No, Llamas do not lay eggs, they are mammals and give birth to live young.No they are mammals and give live birth.
no they do not. they live on FARMS.
Llamas live mostly in South America. Tigers live mostly in Asia. So no.
There are a couple different kinds of biomes that llamas can live in. One biome is the coastal deserts, and the other is the grasslands.
No. They live on Earth, not in space.
Llamas are not rare. i live in Ohio and i have 2 llamas. there is also a farm in Ohio with about 121 llamas.