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Yes they put them out around december 1

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Q: Do china people have nativity scenes?
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Related questions

Do churches have to have nativity scenes?

No, but many churches want nativity scenes. It tells the people what Christmas is truly all about.

What saint originated nativity scenes?

Saint Francis of Assisi started the custom of nativity scenes.

What are the origins of nativity scenes?

The nativity scenes that are seen in various forms during December come primarily for the stories in Matthew's gospel in the New Testament. They are about the birth of Jesus.

What decorations are used by french people during Christmas?

French people decorate with Christmas trees,nativity scenes, mistletoe and candles

Do people have dhristmas trees in Ecuador at Christmas time?

Yes they have Christmas trees in Ecuador but they mostly have nativity scenes.

What are Presepio figures made of?

A presepio is the Italian word for a Nativity scene. Nativity scenes can be made out of anything, wood, ceramic, glass, or even live presepios formed of living people.

Where can one find Christmas nativity scenes?

Christmas nativity scenes are everywhere during the Christmas season, ranging from places such as churches, to someone's front yard. Some even have the nativity scene around their Christmas tree, or even on a table.

What do Nativity Scenes from Brazil look like?

if it's a Nativity Scene then it's the same as the custom US ones

What are nativity scenes called in Colombia?

A nativity scene in Colombia is called a pesebre and may feature a town and its surrounding countryside and animals.

What traditions do Italians have?

Italians put up Nativity Scenes at Christmas time.

What traditions do they have in Italy?

Italians put up Nativity Scenes at Christmas time.

When is an appropriate time to remove nativity scenes decorations?

Probably soon after New Years.