Cantonese is mainly speak in Hong Kong and GuangZou...
Of you are cantonese, it is easier to learn but just speak it to the people you know that know cantonese or if your parents are cantonese, speak to them. There are also some lessons that might be available.
Cantonese people mainly speak Cantonese, a Chinese dialect. Additionally, many Cantonese people may also speak Mandarin, which is the official language of China, as well as English, due to Hong Kong's history as a British colony.
95 percent people speak cantonese in hong kong
Cantonese is a dialect that people speak in China.
It works the same as speaking any language. If you known Cantonese, you can speak it. You also take classes to learn it.
china people who speak fluent mandarine or cantonese
Chinese, English, Cantonese.
No, Cambodians are democracy.
more than 3 people
you learn it at a Chinese school or a tutor that specializes in the genre
Mandarin or Cantonese