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The Tasmanian devil can certainly live in rainforests which, in Tasmania, are cool temperate rainforests, not tropical rainforests. It is not restricted to rainforests, however, as it is equally found in wet and dry sclerophyll forests (bushland) as well. Either way, it inhabits the undergrowth of the bush.

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Q: Do Tasmanian devils live in the rainforest?
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What type of environment does Tasmanian devils live in?

Tasmanian Devils live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

Do Tasmanian Devils live in a pond environment?

No. Tasmanian Devils are not water-dwelling creatures. They live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

Does a Tasmanian devil live in New Jersey?

No. Tasmanian devils are found only in Australia, specifically its southern island state of Tasmania. Arizona is in North America, not Australia.

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Tasmanian devils tend to be solitary animals. They do not live in groups.

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No. Tasmanian devils tend to be solitary animals.

Do Tasmanian devils live with others or in groups?

Tasmanian devils tend to be solitary animals.

Do the Tasmanian devils live anywhere else?

Tasmanian devils are found only in Tasmania.

Do Tasmanian devils live in Asia?

No. Tasmanian devils do not live in Asia. They are found only in Australia, on its island state of Tasmania.

Do Tasmanian devils live on land or sea?

Tasmanian devils live on land. They are not water-dwelling creatures of any description.

What is the island called of the Tasmanian devils?

The island where Tasmanian devils live is called Tasmania. It is Australia's island state.

Does a Tasmanian devil eat another Tasmanian devil?

Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

What is a group of Devil called?

There is no specific collective term for a group of Tasmanian devils. Tasmanian devils are solitary animals. At most, an area where numerous Tasmanian devils live is called a colony.