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Q: Do Koreans all have black hair?
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Can you be black in S4 league?

nope, its supposed to only be Koreans in the game... but apparently they have very pale Koreans lol

How do you make your hair like Korean dudes?

You can make you hair like that of Koreans by using coconut oil. First of all before sleeping massage your hair with coconut oil, and in the morning take a cold shower with a nice shampoo (preferably Garnier Fructius). Don't comb you hear, or provide it with extra tension. Leave your hair to dry. Do not use dryer. Within a week, your hair will be like that of Koreans.

What is the most popular hair colour?

black because white and black people have black hair The most common hair colour is black. Nearly all Asians and Africans have black hair, there alone accounts for 49% of the Earth's population, or about 3,000,000,000 people. Black hair is also quite common in Caucasians. About 30% of Europeans have black hair, and about 60% of Hispanics. Nearly all Middle Eastern and Indians have black hair as well. So adding those all together, roughly 60% of all Caucasians have black hair.

Are all Koreans parents very strict with education?

Many Koreans are strict with education... BUT not all...

Are all Koreans single eyelid?

No. Some Koreans have natural double eyelids.

What do North Koreans do for fun?

North Koreans don't believe in fun, after all, they are communists.

Is black hair considered brunette?

I think any shade of white to yellow hair is blonde, all browns are brunettes and black hair is raven.

Is Kai Wong part Chinese because your mom says his hair is very straight and only Chinese have straight hair Japanese have curly hair and Koreans have no hair is it true?


Do Gothics all have black hair?

No, it just depends what kind of person they are. And if they feel the need to dye their hair black.

Do Koreans like filipinas?

Koreans like filipinas? Yes and No. It all depends on Personality of the woman.

Why do people have gold hair when all of their family has black hair?

Because they dye it.

Do Koreans originally use chopsticks?

If you wore chopsticks in your hair it'd pretty much be the equivalent to a westerner wearing a fork or knife in their hair. No one actually uses chopsticks in their hair, and if you see something you think are chopsticks, they're hair accessories made specifically for being hair accessories, not eating utensils. Most of these "chopstick" hair accessories are decorated and much shorter than chopsticks used for eating. Some Koreans use these hair accessories now but not many. It was much more common 50 years ago.