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I love Greek gods! Anyway, No. There are gods/goddesses (Geras- god of old age, Ate- goddess of foolish acts, Mania- goddess of insanity, and Dionysus- god of partying and drinking, to name a few) that are just kinda there and never fight battles or rescue people.

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Q: Do Greek gods need to be virtuous to be worshiped?
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How do the Gods stay immortal in Greek mythology?

The Gods are the Gods, and that means they areimmortal. They do not need anything to retain their immortality.

Did the greek gods need the prayers of man?

No; prayer was to honor the gods and to bring requests to their attention.

Does god need to be capitlzied?

If you are talking about God in the Bible, yes. If you are talking about gods in particular like Greek gods, no.

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The Greek gods fed on nectar and ambrosia. The trouble is nobody has found a recipe.

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She doesn't have a symbol like the Greek gods but she is often associated with the moon.

Who do you contact if you want to start worshipping the greek gods?

You need not contact anyone, the worship of gods and goddesses no matter their origins is a personal choice.

Who Zeus's need?

In ancient Greek religion, Zeus was the king of the gods, and the Greek people who worshiped him believed they needed his protection as well as his approval. Getting Zeus angry with you, by not performing the correct rituals, or by ignoring the rules and laws of Greek religion, would not have a happy outcome. Thus, people feared Zeus's power, and they wanted to make sure they pleased him as much as possible. Unfortunately, the Greek gods were not always easy to please, and sometimes there are stories where Zeus punished mortals just because he wanted to. But in that time in history, people felt they depended on the gods, and since Zeus was the most important deity, it was important to keep trying to get his approval if you wanted to live a long and healthy life.

Did Greek gods need people?

yes because without people to believe in them they would just fade away

Who need Zeus?

has family, friends, and wife

Are Greek gods true?

As is the case with all gods, they are real to the people who worship them. To the ancient Greeks, their gods and goddesses were just as real as the Abrahamic God is to modern Christians, Muslims and Jews. They worshiped and prayed to the gods whenever the need arose. They believed that if they offended any of the gods, then disaster would befall them. In the scientific sense, gods and goddesses may not be real, but faith made them so in terms of their effect on people's lives.No, the Greek gods and goddesses are not real. In the ancient times, the Grecian people did not know the reason behind simple events, such as thunderstorms. As a result of this, they made up the gods and goddesses to give meanings to various events, not only thunderstorms, but also drought, famine, and death. It is said that creating these myths gave the people a sense of comfort and knowledge because it showed that everything had a cause that was logical to the Greek mind.

After finding Odysseus Nausicaa gives a speech to her maidens Which Greek value does she promote in the speech?

Nausicaa promotes the Greek value of hospitality in her speech to her maidens, emphasizing the importance of assisting strangers in need and treating them with kindness and generosity as a mark of a virtuous and honorable individual.

What will you need to start a Greek Gods Play?

Well, to start a play in the first place, you'll need a director, actors, props, costumes, a stage, people who can work with technical stuff, makeup artists, hair stylists, ect... But... it depends on what type of Greek Gods play you're thinking of. It will be pretty hard to make a PLAY on Greek Gods. You usually need special effects and such. But you can start of with a fake trident, helm, lightning bolt, you know, the weapons of the Gods. Special clothing would be needed, too. Honestly, I suggest a film.... maybe on movie maker or something.