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No. But the Bengal tiger can be found in the foothills of the Himalayas.

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Q: Do Amur tigers live in the Himalayas?
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Where doSiberian or amur tigers live?

Siberian tigers live in... Siberia, which is a part of Russia.

Are Amur tigers the same as Siberian tigers?

Amur Tigers and Siberian Tigers are the the same species of tiger. Amur is just another name for Siberian.

What kind of tiger lived in grassland?

The tigers live in grasslands are Amur tiger

What is habitat encroachment to Siberian Tigers?

Siberian Tigers live in Amur-Ussur of Siberia, Russia. They live on taiga and mountain conifer forests.

Who are amur tigers?

They r tigers

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In What countries do Siberian tigers live in?

Amur River region in eastern Russia, northeastern China and into the Korean peninsula.Siberia...

What area of the world do Siberian tigers live in?

in siberia :) the far eastern point of Siberia, around the river the amur

What animals do snow Siberian tigers live with?

These are some species that share the cold forests with Siberian tigers. Red deer Wild boar Amur leopard Brown bear Asiatic black bear Amur sambhar deer Eurasian wolf

What size are Amur tigers?

Amur tigers, also known as Siberian tigers, are the largest of all tiger species. Males ranging in size over 700 pounds are not unheard of.

Do tigers live on Mount Everest?

no, but they have been seen as high as 4,000 meters in the himalayas, specifically Bhutan