According to an online distance calculator, the city of Dayton, Ohio is 8241 miles from Captetown, South America. The flight time would be about seventeen hours if a direct flight was taken.
Sea Point is a suburb of Cape Town. It is approximately 3 miles from downtown Cape Town.
139 miles
The distance between Paris and Cape Town is 9352 km or 5811 miles.
It is approximately 6000 miles.
912 miles
The air distance from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Cape Town, South Africa, is 8,818 miles. That equals 14,190 kilometers or 7,662 nautical miles.
There are roughly 5133 kilometers or 3190 miles between Cape Cod and England.
The flight distance is approximately 2,540 miles.
4115 Kms/ 2556 miles
5962 nautical miles
About 4,134 air miles.
Johannesburg is 1350 km from Cape Town.