116 miles taking this route:
104 miles.
The distance between Tallahassee Regional Airport and Panama City, FL is 95.6 miles and will take about 2 Hours 5 Minutes to drive.
The driving distance is about 103 road miles.
Take Rte. 20. It's about 100 miles.
It's roughly 120km from a birds eye point of view, not by road.
about 110 miles
about 98 miles
261 miles taking this route:Take I-75 NORTH, from Gainesville, to I-10 to JACKSONVILLE and TALLAHASSEE at EXIT 435; follow signs to I-10 WEST to TALLAHASSEE.Take I-10 WEST to U.S. 231 to COTTONDALE and PANAMA CITY at EXIT 130; follow signs to U.S. 231 SOUTH to PANAMA CITY.Take U.S. 231 SOUTH to Panama City.
46 miles
The driving distance between Tallahassee, FL and Panama City Beach, FL is approximately 105 miles. The driving time would be approximately 2 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The country Panama or city??
It is 104 miles according to Google Maps.