The distance from Lake Como, Italy to Lucerne, Switzerland is 196.4 kilometers. The drive time is approximately 2-hours and 36-minutes.
The driving distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Lake Como, Italy is 234.26mi / 377km
The driving distance from Como CO, Italy to Dongo CO, Italy is 30.4mi / 48.93km
the Geneva lake como rocket
Lake Como - Switzerland and Italy
about 5 hours
234 miles
The distance from Malaga, Spain, to Lake Como, Italy, is 939 air miles. That equals 1,511 kilometers or 816 nautical miles.
The driving distance between lake Garda and lake Como is 282 km.
Lake Como, Italy to Genoa is 139 miles. Lake Como to Geneva is 213 miles.
351 miles
208 miles
The distance from Valerio Catullo Airport in Verona Italy to Lake Como in Lombardy Italy is 139.9 miles. This will take approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes to drive by car.