salwa border
The distance covered from Khobar to Dubai(Jumeirah 2) is 880 kms. You have to drive towards Hofuf from Khobar and then to Salwa. Upon reaching Salwa(Qatar Border), you have to take a right leading to Baatha, UAE Border. Khobar to Salwa is 300 kms and Khobar to Baatha is 430 kms. After completing formalities from the border, you have to travel further 450 kms to reach Dubai. My trip to dubai was completed in 8 hours. Khobar to Baatha- 3 hours Baatha to Dubai- 4 hours Baatha border- 40 minutes Two stop overs- 20 minutes. While returning back you have to take E 11 highway which leads to Ghweifat, UAE border.
Salwa Judum was created in 2005.
Salwa Bakr was born in 1949.
Salwa Al Katrib was born in 1949.
Salwa Zeidan Gallery was created in 1995.
The cast of Salwa - 2003 includes: Rita Bendek Humberto Dorado
The cast of Salwa - 1947 includes: Rawhiyya Khaled Amina Rizk
Doha Shares the Border with Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian Border Customs is in the Place Called SALWA which is the border for Saudi Arabia & Qatar. The nearest Saudi City to Qatar is Al-Hassa or Hofuf which is about 140 KM from Qatar. Normally GCC Nationalities Does not need a visa to visit Qatar, but other nationalities may require a Visa to visit Qatar..
Salwa al-Maghribi has written: 'Jewellery in Kuwait in the past' -- subject(s): Jewelry, History
The cast of Forerunners - 2004 includes: Salwa Amsis as Salwa Inna Diditch as Inna Ami Nimni as Ami Gili Sela as Gili