It will take an estimated 3 hours 35 minutes to drive from Burlington, Vermont to Hartford, CT. There are approximately 234.38 miles between the two cities.
It is 39.9 miles taking I-91.
The distance between Bridgeport and Hartford is approximately 55 miles.
34 road miles.
The shortest driving distance is 118 miles.
115 miles
90 miles
The total distance from Santiago, Chile to Hartford, CT is 5,176 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 8,331 kilometers or 4,498 nautical miles.
It is 30 miles according to Google Maps taking I-84.
distance from hartford,ct to lake george
Harford CT to Burlington VT, USA is 235 miles and will take about 3 Hours and 46 Minutes from beginning to end.
13 miles