Portsmouth, England to Edinburgh, Scotland is approx 449 miles.
It would normally take about 7 hours 35 minutes to drive.
Longer if you take a break on route.
M6 / 446 miles - about 7 hours 42 mins.
446 miles
Distance between Portsmouth and sharpness
Approx Distance between Portsmouth and Gloucester is 95 miles or 152.86 km
distance between wiltshire & edinburgh
what is the distance between blackpool and Edinburgh,
It is around 27 miles from Southampton to Portsmouth
The driving distance from Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Camden, Maine is about 132 miles.
The driving distance from London Heathrow Airport to Portsmouth, UK is 117 km
The distance in road miles between Boston, MA and Portsmouth, NH is approximately 55 miles.
Answer By road, the distance from Portsmouth to Glasgow in Scotland is about 450 miles.
how far is it from Edinburgh to the England border