To drive from New York City to Chicago takes 789 miles of travel. A flight from NYC to Chicago travels 714 miles.
About 790 miles.
800 miles
about 800 miles
1,200 kilometers
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Buffalo, New York is: 454 miles / 731 km
There are approximately 792 miles between Chicago, IL and New York City, NY. Or about 815 miles, depending on route.
The driving distance is 792 miles per Map Quest. The driving time between New York and Chicago per Map Quest is 12 hours and 6 minutes.
The mileage between New York City and Chicago is 790 miles according to Google Maps.
785 miles across I-80 EAST.
It is 534.34 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 791.48 miles according to MapQuest.