The road distance between Longreach and Townsville is about 658km.
It Is 1192 Kilometres from Gympie to Townsville
The road distance between Rockhampton and Townsville is 720 km.
From Hervey Bay to Townsville by road is a distance of 1,116 km.
The distance between Airlie Beach and Townsville is 277km, and takes around three and a half hours to travel.
The driving distance from Cairns QLD, Australia to Townsville City QLD 4810, Australia is 215.65mi / 347.05km
From Townsville to Toowoomba is a distance of 1400 km. Travelling time is an estimated 16 hours, without breaks.
The road distance between Rockhampton and Townsville is 720 km. Estimated travel time is 9.5 hours.
1738 miles
The distance is 310 kms.
It takes around 8 hours to travel from Cooktown to Townsville. The distance is 656km.
9000 miles