The Nine Muses (Calliope, Cleio, Ourania, Thaleia, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Erato, Euterpe and Terpsikhore) are usually given to be the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Mnemosyne (Memory) is given to be the daughter of Gaia (Earth) and Ouranus/Aither (Sky) her sister-Titan muses are then Melete (Practise) and Aiode (Song) - the aunts of the Nine Muses; now as Mnemosyne did not have any further children the the Muses are her only ones - however, as the the children of Zeus, they had many half siblings including Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, and Hephaestus among the Olympians.
In Greek mythology, the Muses were not known to have children. They were typically credited with inspiring artists, poets, and musicians, rather than having offspring themselves.
No, but they did have children.
Recorded Zeus had 32 not including mortals we dont know how many with mortals because mortals wernt as important as goddesses.
he had an immortal wife and children. he also had kids with mortals that were demigod children
Yes, they are all the children of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
Yes, many of them both mortals and divine.
One son, Hyacinthus - the same boy who was Apollo's lover.
They had several children, but from what I'm seeing they weren't married.
Poiseidon has had over 1,000 children with both gods, mortals, and nature godesses.
They are called Demi-Gods in Greek and Roman Mythology.
Mnomosyne was a woman that had 9 children with Jupiter in Roman Belief. These children were the 9 muses - known for their singing and music playing throughout Rome.