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Q: Did the early people began to migrate from Africa 100000 years ago?
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Why scientists believe that homo erectus began began to migrate beyond Africa?

Africa forests transformed into grassland and homo eructus were in search of food and water

When did the white people migrate to the us?

White people are still migrating to the US. It began roughly in the late 1600's.

Fom which continent did early people begin their global migration?

Early people began their global migration from the continent of Africa.

What consequences resulted from the spread of nationalism during the 19th and early 20th centuries?

Colonized people in Africa and Asia began to launch independence movements.

Why did people begin to migrate in he Stone Age?

People in the Stone Age began to migrate in search of food, water, shelter, and resources necessary for survival. They also migrated to adapt to changing environmental conditions and to follow animal herds for hunting purposes.

Where did the origins of humans begin?

Human life started in West Africa. Over many years, people began to migrate to follow the animals they hunted (living a "hunter-gatherer lifestyle"), leading them to emigrate throughout the world. Mutations occurred over the centuries as people developed to different environments, giving us our different races.

Which continent did the first people live?

Africa is where man began.

Why did Homo erectus Began to migrate to Africa?

Homo erectus may have migrated to Africa in search of new resources, better hunting grounds, or to escape environmental changes in their previous habitat. This migration may have also been influenced by population pressures, competition with other species, or the desire to explore new areas.

What is the continent were evolution began?


Where did hunting happen?

From the very moment man began he had to hunt to eat. The first people were hunters and gatherers for food. Archeological evidence points that man began in Africa and eventually spread out.

What is Out of Africa?

The theory that mankind began in Africa and eventually migrated around the world.

In what part of the world did writing start in?

Writing began with pictographs in caves in began in Africa.