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yes the resistance did sink their own ships

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Q: Did the Resistance sink the Danish Navy ships?
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Did the resistance sink danish navy ships durning ww2?

The Navy it selves refuse to give vessels to the German Army. To ensure this would not happen, the Danish navy desided to sink their own ships while in habor. A battle broke out with german soldiers, however the opperation was a success and no ships where granted to the enemy of Denmark

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The United States was the only Navy in the way of Japans plan to conquer the Pacific. They needed to sink the Ships docked a the Navy Base.

Why don't ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle?

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Ships that never sink are just ships that were lucky, any ship can sink for any number of reasons there is no such thing and a truly unsinkable ship.

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Gravity causes the ships iron anchor to sink to the ocean.

What did the propaganda poster 'loose lips might sink ships' mean?

it meant that SPIES could be anywhere listening. therefore, if you were in the navy or merchant marines LOOSE TALK while either in a drunken state, or talking to a "wrong girl" (who could be a spy) you could be providing information for the enemy to use in order for them to sink our ships.

Why don't shiops sink?

Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on. Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on.

Why does a ship not sink?

ships do not sink because gravity pushes it up

What ocean can sink ships?


How many ships are there to sink in Poptropica Skulldugery island?

There is no exact number, and you don't have to sink all the ships, only Captain Crawfish's ship. You need to buy a Phoenix Warbird to sink it.

The Navy North Sea Mine Force conducted mine warfare against the German Navy in World War 2.?

Both sides conducted mine laying, either as a defensive screen, or to sink enemy shipping as the ships left the enemies coast.