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no that was in WWI

Actually in both wars they switched sides.

-Before WW1 they were aligned with Germany but switched when the war started.

-When the Allies invaded Sicily during WW2 the Italians surrendered and joined the Allies, but Benito Mussolini was rescued by Germany and he started the Italian Social Republic in Northern Italy, It became Allies (US, UK, Italy) VS. Axis (Germany, Italian Social Republic).

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No. In 1882 the Triple Alliance was made between the German Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy. It stated that if one of them was to be attacked the other two countries would come to their defense. This was in response to the Dual Alliance made between France and the Russian Empire. However when WWI broke out, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was the German Empire's number one economic ally thus the German Empire came to the defense of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Italy, however, declared neturality on the grounds that the Austrian-Hungarian Empire declared war and was not attacked by a different nation. However in May of 1915 the Treaty of London was signed by Italy. In return for joining the Allies and supplying troops, Italy would receive a huge portion of modern day Austria and Slovenia. However after the war they didn't recieve all the promised land and as a result a bitter Benito Mussolini (who fought and was injured in WWI) eventually joined the Axis Powers in WWII.

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I believe that the second world war was basically Germany and Japan versus everyone else. So yes as far as I know Italy fought for the allies in world war two.

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Q: Did the Italians after surrender fight for allies in World War 2?
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Did Italians fight for allied forces after surrender?


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Yes, absolutely. -SOunds like you would want the return of Nazi-ism

When did Italy join America in world war2?

Italy did NOT join the Allies. The British did not want the Italians to switch sides; instead they would only let them surrender. After the Allies landed on Sicily in July 1943 and began sending bombers over Italy and their capital of Rome, the Italians began negotiations to join the Allies. They forced Mussolini to step down from dictator but they were still concerned that the Germans would retaliate against them so the talks had to be in secret. The talks continued until 8 Sept 1943, when the amphibious forces were approaching Salerno to land on the mainland of Italy, did the country of Italy finally surrender. After their surrender, many Italians provided support to the Allies. Many ex-soldiers were used as translators and helped carry supplies up the mountains. It was only late in 1944 and early 1945, were Italian troops organized and allowed to fight with the Allies. Four(4) combat groups were formed and outfitted with British uniforms and equipment and attached to the British 8th Army.

What was Mussolinis Italy responsible for?

the invasion of Ethiopia

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I didn't fight at all, which side did you fight on.

Where did africans fight in World War 1?

In Ethiopia against the Italians.

How did the allies fight in world war 2?

== ==

What was Benito mussilinis role?

Benito Mussolini was supposed to be the Prime minister of Italy but he really was their dictator and Oppressor. He led his country to fight the Allies. The Italians wanted him and the Nazis gone. They welcomed the Allies.

Where did black Africans fight in World War 1?

In Ethiopia against the Italians.

ON what island did the Allies land on that Mussolini was forced out of office?

Answer In July 1943, the Allies landed on Sicily after they had defeated the Germans & Italians in North Africa. Sicily is part of Italy, not just a colony. This was also the time that the Allies began to fly bombing missions over Italy's mainland and also over Rome. The Italians did not want to fight anymore and did not want the war to come to their homeland. With support from the King Emmanuel, the cabinet met and forced Mussolini to resign during the campaign for Sicily. The Italian government tried to secretly negotiate an alliance with the Allies and not let the Germans know what they were doing. The leaders of the Allies would not allow Italy to join them but required their surrender. When the Allied invasion force was heading to land at Salerno on 8 Sept, Italy agreed and announced their surrender.

Who did Americans fight during World War 2?

They fought the Nazis, Japanese, and Italians.

Did India fight against the Allies in World War 2?

No. Actually they were part of the Allies in WWII.