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Yes, the first successful cloned sheep was Dolly, she was born on July 5 1996 and passed away on February 14 2003.

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Q: Did scientists discover how to clone sheep?
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Major events 1997?

Scientists clone Dolly the sheep

Is it illegal to clone sheep?

yes it is illegal and u cant even clone sheeps Scientists have cloned sheep but they needed a permit to do this in the country they were based in. Some countries do not allow cloning or genetic experimentation.

Can you clone an animal in a different species' womb?

This won't be answered for a long time. Scientists are barely able to clone a sheep and have it live, their not close to being able to tell if they can have say "a rabbit be born from a sheep" ... It's a good start though, maybe EVENTUALLY!

How do you clone a tree?

the same way you clone a sheep

What does cloning have to do with dolly the goat?

dolly (the sheep) is a clone of another sheep

Did Ian Wilmut clone a sheep?

He cloned a sheep named Dolly.

Why did the roslin institute clone a sheep?

Mainly to see if they could clone something.

Can DNA sequencing copy or clone a piece of DNA?

yes you can as dolly the sheep was a clone

Why is dolly the sheep so popular?

because she is a clone

What is the worlds most famous clone sheep?


Who is the aouthor of the book how to clone a sheep?

mazel richardson

Have scientists tried to clone the Tasmanian forester kangaroo?

No. There is no need for scientists to clone the Tasmanian Forester kangaroo, as its population is healthy enough. Scientists have only tried to clone the Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) in attempts which have, to date, been unsuccessful.