wombat dreaming
Aboriginal spears kill many animals and the aboriginal people cooked and ate! But some people steel aboriginal children and treat them terribly.
Clubs - to kill people
The Aboriginal People killed the Jesuits because the Aboriginals saw the Jesuits as "evil spirits" who brought upon deadly disease.
Wombats are mostly nocturnal and are therefore conditioned for night vision. People who work with wombats advise that they are playful and quick to learn.
No. Wombats are protected native animals. On occasion, farmers with special licences are permitted to cull wombats, but indiscriminate killing or hunting is illegal.
Aboriginal people are found and live in Australia.
aboriginal people were one of the first people
aboriginal people invent the canoe at midday
Aboriginal people
Aboriginal people are people before colonization, normally called indigenous people. Term "Aboriginal" is normally applied to people who inhabited Australia before European colonization.
they are about 30 people in one aboriginal family