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Q: Did US backed the french in its military struggle against Vietnam?
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Who are the Congs?

Cong is short for Viet Cong. The Viet Cong were the communist guerrilla forces backed by North Vietnam when they fought against South Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

How were the 20th-century independence movements in Vietnam and Algeria similar?

To compare them, both wars were world's super power verses the poor country. In the American Revolution, England was the "World Super Power" and America was the small and poor country, well at the time America has yet to become their own independent country so they were a part of England in this America was backed by Poland, and France. In the Vietnam War, The Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam wanted to unite and create a communist system over the nation, so this was Vietnam's power. The Republic of Vietnam was against the whole movement and was backed by America. In the American revolution Britain had the world's best military, and Navy. The Americans military was made up with any male willing to fight, and later on women such as Molly Pitcher will join the fight as well so we were the Insurgents.

The South vietnamese were backed by this nation?

The South Vietnamese were backed by the United States during the Vietnam War. The US provided military and financial support to South Vietnam in an effort to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

How was the Vietnam War a cold war front?

The war was largely between local Communist forces, backed by USSR and China, and anti-Communist forces, backed by USA and other Western-style democracies. This made it part of the greater global struggle between Communist regimes and those that opposed them.

What did the North Vietnam backed guerrillas came to be called?


Which countries backed north Vietnam during?

The USSR and Red China.

Who was the US-backed leader of South Vietnam during the days before the Vietnam War started in earnest?

Ngo Dinh Diem was the US backed leader of South Vietnam during the days before the Vietnam War started in earnest. In total, the war lasted from 1955 until 1975.

How did the cold war affect the people of Vietnam?

Vietnam was one of the small powerless country's where arms and ammunition could be used up. The people of Vietnam managed to throw out the colonial powers of France only to find themselves enslaved again by an American backed regime. the ensuing struggle for Independence from foreign domination led to the death and suffering of thousands of Innocent people, both Vietnamese and those conscripted to fight in the so called war against Communism dreamed up by the arms lobby of the USA.

Did the Diem coup weakened the influence of the communist-backed guerrillas in South Vietnam?


What was the form of gov in vietnam before it was socialist republic?

Before reunification, Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam had a Sino-Soviet backed Communist government, while South Vietnam had a Western-backed Democratic government (at least in principle). Prior to the division of North and South Vietnam, it was subject to a French colonial government, whose control of the region was interrupted during WWII, when a Japanese occupational government controlled the region.

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The US Military backed rebels who soon controlled independent Panama

What was the name given to the us backed invasion?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled the United States to conduct military operations in Vietnam without declaring war. This resolution was enacted by Congress at the behest of then President Johnson.